供应货架/货架厂/货架定做/货架批发/专业生产货架/仓储/钢平台/仓储笼/托盘/料箱 贯通式货架│ Drive-in Racking 产品特点: 贯通式货架是一种以机械作业存取为主的,在支撑导轨上,托盘按深度方向存放,一个紧接着一个,这使得高密度存储成为可能。货物存取从货架同一侧进出,“先存后取,后存先取”。平衡重及前移式叉车可方便地驶入货架中间存取货物。 贯通式货架投资成本相对较底,适用于横向尺寸较大、品种较少、数量较多且货物存取模式可预定的情况,常用来储存大批相同类型货物。由于其存储密度大,对地面空间利用率较高,常用在冷库等存储空间成本较高的地方. Descriptions: Drive-in Racking allows a lift truck to enter the rack from one side to pick up or pull out pallets. This is done because pallets can slide backwards on a continuous rail. Forklifts drive into the rack to access pallets in two or more depth. You are limited in the depth of storage for a particular bay by the size of your facility. Drive-in racks are typically subject to more abuse than selective racks due to the way they are utilized, so rack integrity and strength are important factors. It is frequently used in cooler or freezer warehouses.